Apples – great to boost vitality.

An apple a day can help lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar. Because apples help dampen the appetiite, they are great for weight loss.

Apples contain vitamin E ( which improves the endurance and stamina of all muscles and nerves ), biotin and folic acid , – which promotes a clean digestive system ).

Apples also contain a combination of vitamins A and C, which are most beneficial for protection against colds and flu.

Grated apple can help with constipation – take one before breakfast and one before your evening meal.

A stewed apple on a cold day is a great way to take away that craving feel :

Method : Wash and cut 1 apple in small cubes.

Add 1/2 a cup of filtered water

Drizzle 1/2 tsp of cinnamon

Cook for 2 mins or until apple is cooked according to your own liking.

Enjoy either on its own or accompanied with organic yoghurt .