If you’ve lost count of how many days we’ve been in isolation for, it’s probably been too long! While we must follow government restrictions very seriously, we still need to keep an eye on our health and maintain our wellbeing.
One of the major impacts isolation may be having on our health is its interference of our vitamin D intake. We all know vitamin D plays a crucial role in maintaining strong and healthy bones, however, what you may not know is vitamin D has the ability to repair and rebuild skin.
So how do we get vitamin D? From sufficient exposure to sunlight! You may be thinking how can I get adequate exposure in the sun when we are in isolation? There are many ways we can absorb sunlight whilst still obeying government restrictions.
Here are a few:
We’re lucky to live in a beautiful and sunny country like Australia, so for adequate vitamin D absorption we only need 15-30 minutes of sun a day. Try to avoid peak UV times such as midday and always wear SPF. Sunscreen protects from UVB light and will not prevent you from absorbing vitamin D.
If you’re worried about a specific skin concern or simply have a question about how to use a product, I am still available to help. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any enquires or to set up a virtual consultation. Email info@lapeau.com.au or phone 0407631816.