IPL Hair Removal Brisbane & Birkdale Clients

IPL hair removal brisbaneHow does IPL Hair Removal Treatment work?

At La Peau procedures are performed with a state of the art Intense Pulsed Light System – IPL. This system works by utilising highly controlled flashes of light that are absorbed by hair-filled follicles lying below the surface of the skin. The absorbed light heats the hair which damages or destroys the regrowth potential of the follicle, all without damaging the surrounding tissue.

What happens during treatment?

The treatment begins by trimming away the hair above the skin. After a cold gel is spread over the treatment area the IPL hand-piece is then applied to the skin and pulses of light begin disabling unwanted hair.

Is it painful?

No local anaesthesia is required and most people tolerate the treatment well. Each pulse light feels like a slight pinch, similar to the snap of a rubber band.

How many treatments do I need?

Because everyone’s hair growth is different it is necessary to book for a Complimentary consultation. During this time the technician will discuss with you the number of treatments required.

Why choose us?

We are extremely fortunate to use only the Palomar Starlux and Multilux systems which are the most effective and Advanced IPL System; suitable for extremely sensitive skin. We offer a free consultation prior to any treatment.

If you are serious about becoming hair free our unique patented IPL Hair Removal technology has revolutionized the fields of hair removal. The result is a highly effective treatment with unbeatable safety so you can be satisfied and worry-free.

If you are in the Brisbane area and are sick of the constant waxing and shaving then call us today and ask about our package deals and get ready to have a smoother hair free body!



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