Many vitamins benefit the skin, but some are more important than others.
Vitamin A ( found in eggs, dairy, carrots and spinach ) to avoid dry, rough and scaly skin
Vitamin C ( found in citrus and other bright coloured fruit and vegies ) helps to keep the skin supple and to heal wounds.
Vitamin E ( found in oil-rich foods ) helps to prevent ageing skin by neutrilising free radicals and re-hydrating
Beta-carotene ( found in highly coloured vegies and fruits ) helps protect against the ravages of sunshine and may slow down early signs of ageing.
Vitamin F ( found in safflower oil, hemp oil, sunflower oil, grape seed ) to nourish the skin, protecting it from dryness and preventing premature ageing.
Vitamin B ( found in celery stems, eggs, meat and nuts ) help to ensure new skin cells take up nutrients.
Whilst it is very easy to include Vit A, C , E , Beta-carotene and Vit B in your daily diet, here is a quick and delicious smoothie that is full of
Vit F( essential fatty acid ) and great boost to prevent skin ageing from the inside.
1 tsp flaxseed
1 tsp hemp seed oil
3/4 cup apple juice
1/2 banana
1 tsp cardamon
1 tsp cinnamon
couple of ice cubes
Combine all ingredients in blender, puree and enjoy.