Looking for IPL Skin Rejuvenation in Brisbane? – Here is everything you need to know…

As each year ticks by, we start to notice the visible signs of ageing. A wrinkle here, a little sagging there, some pigmentation and maybe some unevenness. It’s time to feel comfortable in your own skin with IPL Photo Rejuvenation treatments. A clear complexion is something that many of us want to achieve, but it can be difficult to achieve desired results with your regular skincare products.

Photo rejuvenation uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to reduce the appearance of some of the most common skin concerns including facial redness, rosacea, pigmentation, ageing with loss of firmness, broken blood vessels, acne and enlarged pores. IPL therapy is often considered the most effective cosmetic skin rejuvenation treatment available today.

What are the benefits of IPL photo rejuvenation?

Removing unwanted skin problems such as pigmentation, redness, and scarring allows you to wear less make-up and feel more confident as your skin will look glowy every day. The treatment stimulates collagen in the deeper layers of the skin and therefore will plump and smooth the texture of the skin.

How does IPL Rejuvenation work?

IPL delivers pulses of broad-spectrum light directly to the affected area. The pulses of light selectively target the colour in the skin concern and convert to heat, which breaks down the unwanted cells which contain melanin (pigmentation) or haemoglobin (capillaries). When undergoing any IPL skin rejuvenation procedures, it’s natural to be a little nervous, but rest assured that our trained and experienced therapists are available to discuss any enquiries you may have.

How many treatments do I need?

Results vary depending on the conditions that are being treated. IPL Skin Rejuvenation is most successful when administered in a series of visits. At La Peau, we discuss with you a treatment plan to achieve ultimate results.

Ultimately, IPL Skin Rejuvenation treatments achieve an overall radiance and a healthier and more vibrant complexion. The cooler months are the best time to engage in a series of IPL treatments, as this helps avoid additional sun exposure as you move through your treatment sessions. While IPL Skin Rejuvenation can achieve fantastic results, it is not for everyone. Those with fair to medium skin type are the best candidates for this treatment. Call us to book an initial consultation with our highly trained therapists to discuss IPL Skin Rejuvenation and the best course of action for your individual skin type and condition.


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