Trends come and go, but the “perfect eyebrow” is gaining momentum in popularity as the envied feature that is an affordable reach for most of us.
If you want to achieve an instant eyelift and wipe years off your face, you cannot go past the power of a well sculpted eyebrows. Balanced correctly and shaped to perfection eyebrows can transform a face quicker than any other procedure and can really change an individual’s look. When incorrectly shaped eyebrows can make your eyes look  droopy when they are not, or they can make you look angry when you’re not.
 Well defined eyebrows can be achieved even on sparse brows with a few fine strokes of colour. I am very confident that I can help you achieve the most flattering brow shape that will make you look good and boost your confidence.
Once your eyebrows are sculpted to frame and balance your face, you will be given tips and advice on how to maintain the shape and colour. To maintain the ” perfect  eyebrow” you need to give a little thought to the tool you are using.
There are different types of tweezers but they are all designed to suit different tasks. We recommend the right tweezers that are great and safe to use for the undesirable hairs, and that are especially crafted for shaping the eyebrows.
To maintain the colour on your ‘perfect eyebrow” we are happy to recommend the Jane Iredale  Bitty Brow Kit which contains a transparent botanical brow wax to shape and set brows, pigmented brow powder to match with your complexion and three brushes. It’s as easy as that!
Do not leave it for any longer, call La Peau on 3207 4100 your local brow experts! Do what celebrities do get that “perfect  eyebrow” now!


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